"the best way to avoid becoming a victim, is to avoid being the target.."
When i started looking at the problem these young women are facing at Colleges and Universities, i immediately started researching the solution. The only solutions that i could find from the last decade were activist groups bringing people together and a push for awareness. Bringing awareness to this problem is important and a great thing but not the answer. Alot of parents tell me their daughter takes Ju Jitsu. I always reply with the same response; any sport is great for them to be involved in to build confidence and a good work ethic but definitely not as the solution to the personal safety of these young women. At Empower Academy, realism and relevance are the priority when it comes to training. My Core Focus is providing the solution that will keep my daughter from becoming a victim. If she is using some hand to hand, self-defense martial arts she is already a victim and a statistic. Even if she somehow overcame her attacker and was victorious, did she really win? She still is a victim suffering from trauma and carrying that attack around with her for the rest of her life. I realized the solution must be found not at the moment of attack or after its over and living as a survivor. The solution has to be prior to the attack. The solution has to be preventative and deliberate. The solution is empowering our daughters. We empower our daughters by giving them the knowledge and training them in specific skills and techniques, so they are capable of applying them in their everyday lives. Empowering our daughters is not waiting for them to become a victim and then reacting. It's giving them the resources to avoid becoming the target and capable of maintaining her own personal security.